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"Big Ben" The Ford City Space Truck

"Big Ben" The Ford City Space Truck is an in progress project funded through the Moto Makeover Movement created by Art Attack Windsor. I have painted an exciting, brightly coloured, space inspired, kid-friendly vintage Ford F150. This truck, lovingly named "Big Ben", is in the process of being converted into a planter which will be on permanent display in Gary Dugal Park. It will feature beautiful foliage and flowers, as well as, seating areas for families to take a "trip through the cosmos". 


The truck was unveiled at Walkerville Art Walk in July 2017. Unfortunately, before I was able to received photos of the finished/remodeled truck some vandals had their way with him and he is in the process of being fixed. In the meantime, I have attached a few photos I took before it left my house and made it way to the mechanics :)

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